Fashion | Fashion & environment white paper – delivered by DHL

Fashion & environment white paper – delivered by DHL

In collaboration with the British Fashion Council, and NGO Julie’s Bicycle, DHL developed an insightful White Paper which addresses the environmental impacts of the global fashion industry, provides recommendations on sustainable practices, and explores future-facing solutions to help ensure the continuing trend towards ‘Positive Fashion’ amongst businesses and consumers around the world.

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'Fashion & Environment White Paper - delivered by DHL'

Key takeaways

  • The environmental impact of the fashion and retail industry
  • Latest advancements in design and fashion business innovations
  • Case studies of pioneering corporations, designers and initiatives
As the world’s population increases to a projected 8.5 billion people by 2030, annual global apparel consumption could rise by 63% from 62 million tons today to 102 million tons – equivalent to more than 500 billion additional t-shirts. The Fashion & Environment White Paper – Delivered by DHL, analyses all manner of common fashion practices, from the extraction of raw materials, design process, production, distribution and ultimately to the management of waste. The comprehensive paper analyses the diverse ways in which the fashion industry impacts both the environment and the climate. Using good practice examples, the authors provide practical recommendations to help empower the fashion industry to incorporate environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions, including in:
  • Design and materials
Integrating sustainable design principles into product, service and system creation
  • Technology
Fibre innovation, enzymology and molecular biology
  • Manufacturing and processing
Supply chain transparency, blockchain technology, water use and energy efficiency
  • Packaging and delivery
Innovation in shipping and logistics, reducing plastic and packaging material
  • Education and engagement
Pioneering new curriculum, changing cultures and driving demand for sustainable action
  • Strategy
Setting carbon-based targets in alignment with the Paris Agreement; engaging with all above elements

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