Important : DHL is not an official partner or supporter of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. This page aims to inform you about the news that could impact your deliveries and the solutions that DHL Express puts in place to provide you with a service of excellence during this event.
Summer games 2024 | In the spotlight | Transport of dangerous goods during the 2024 Summer Games

Transport of dangerous goods during the 2024 Summer Games

During the 2024 Summer Games, the transportation of goods will be regulated throughout the Paris region […]

During the 2024 Summer Games, the transportation of goods will be regulated throughout the Paris region :

Safety perimeters for the 2024 Summer Games:

Red zones

(Perimeter restricted to motorised traffic)

authorized access for dhl vehicles by special dispensation

The delivery of dangerous goods is authorized if :

  • Limited quantities (30kg gross weight) and excepted quantities accepted
  • OR Goods listed below

During delivery, The DHL driver must present these documents:

  • PASS JEUX, identity card
  • transport document specifying UN numbers and delivery address

Delivery of cells > 20W/h and batteries > 100 W/h is prohibited.

Périmètre bleu

(périmètre de réglementation de la circulation)

Accès Autorisé véhicules DHL

Dangerous goods may be delivered if :

  • Limited quantities (30kg gross weight) and excepted quantities accepted
  • OR Goods listed below

Delivery of cells > 20W/h and batteries > 100 W/h is prohibited.

Find the list of dangerous goods accepted in the blue & red zones on the prefectoral decree (page 8)

Give your availability
for your deliveries and collection

In order to prepare for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, we invite you to complete the questionnaire below to know your availability, which will allow us to show agility and anticipation.

Donnez vos disponibilités
pour vos livraisons et enlèvement

Afin de nous préparer pour les Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques  nous vous invitons à remplir le questionnaire ci-dessous pour connaitre vos disponibilités, ce qui nous permettra de faire preuve d’agilité et d’anticipation.