Important : DHL is not an official partner or supporter of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. This page aims to inform you about the news that could impact your deliveries and the solutions that DHL Express puts in place to provide you with a service of excellence during this event.
Summer games 2024 | In the spotlight | Changes related to Paralympic road races

Changes related to Paralympic road races

A series of Paralympic road competitions will take place between September 1 and 7, 2024. These are likely to have an impact on DHL deliveries.

For road races (Paralympic triathlon taking place on 09/01, 09/02 and the Paralympic marathon on 09/08), two perimeters will be activated:

  • Grey perimeter reserved for athletes only
  • Red perimeter* open to pedestrians, cyclists and spectators

*The red perimeters around the race routes will be set up 3h00 before the start of each competition. No vehicles will be allowed in these areas, with the exception of emergency services and vehicles accredited by the Paris 2024 organization. As these races are moving events, the set-up will be progressively released 15 minutes after the last competitor has passed through.

With regard to para-cycling (taking place between 09/03 and 09/07), in view of the security measures in place for this race and the size of the area concerned, it has been decided to activate the Games Pass solution in the red perimeter of the towns of Courtry (77), Coubron (93) and Clichy-sous-Bois (93) for businesses needing to make deliveries there. The Games Pass obtained during the Olympic period is still valid for our DHL couriers.

To understand the system of perimeters and zones that will be applied, click here.

At DHL Express, we are ready to take up the challenge and constantly communicate on all the news that could impact deliveries and the solutions we are putting in place.

Give your availability
for your deliveries and collection

In order to prepare for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, we invite you to complete the questionnaire below to know your availability, which will allow us to show agility and anticipation.

Donnez vos disponibilités
pour vos livraisons et enlèvement

Afin de nous préparer pour les Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques  nous vous invitons à remplir le questionnaire ci-dessous pour connaitre vos disponibilités, ce qui nous permettra de faire preuve d’agilité et d’anticipation.