This page dedicated to this global event will allow you to learn about the latest information that will have a direct impact on your deliveries, the exceptional devices put in place by DHL in order to continue to offer you an excellent service…
We invite you to stay connected in order to take note of the latest information, as our measures/information will be subject to change depending on the news.
Together, let’s get ready!
These perimeters aim to ensure a high level of security. Pedestrians, cyclists will be able to access it, as will categories of people authorised with their vehicle including our DHL drivers who will have to register upstream to have traffic authorisations.
Important: the red zones will be active 2H30 before the events and 1h after the tests.
These perimeters aim to reduce flows around the red perimeters, by diviating upstream transit, passage, crossing traffic, while preserving all flows of residents or related to economic, social, cultural activities.
Access will be authorised to any driver able to justify a need for access, at a point of passage: delivery (including our DHL drivers), troubleshooting, moving, access to home or work.
Important: the blue zones will be active 2H30 before the events and 1h after the events.
Here you’ll find the latest operational information from DHL concerning the Olympic and Paralympic Games, to help you organize your pick-ups and deliveries.
The road races involve a large security perimeter, which means that certain areas will not be accessible to our drivers during specific time slots. (Find information about the road races here).
Non. Les épreuves sur route se déroulent principalement le week-end et impliquent des larges périmètres de sécurité qui rendent l’accès impossible à nos chauffeurs DHL. De plus, des tours de familiarisation sont prévus les jours précédant ces épreuves.
Yes, the red perimeter involves a strict security check on presentation of a pass obtained in advance online. The administrative procedures for requesting these passes are underway with the DHL agencies concerned.
Strict security controls, parking concerns (due to the presence of the media, the COJOP* and the Préfecture de Police) and congestion in these perimeters may result in additional delivery delays.
75001 – 75002 – 75003 – 75005 – 75006 – 75007 – 75008 – 75009 – 75011 – 75012 – 75015 – 75016 – 75017 – 75018 – 75019 – 75116 – 77360 – 92000 – 92100 – 92700 – 92800 – 93200 – 93210 – 93300 – 93350 – 93420 – 93450 – 36000 – 36130 – 78000 – 78180 – 78280 – 78990
Do you have a specific need or question about your deliveries during the 2024 Games?
Write to DHL Express Customer Service.
Are you an account customer with a sales question?
Contact your DHL commercial account manager directly.
You have a customs clearance issue during the Olympic Games from 07/22 to 08/09?
* COJOP: Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games
**SILT: Anti-terrorism protection perimeter
DHL Express France a pour objectif d’assurer 70% de ses activités sur le premier et le dernier kilomètre avec des solutions zéro émission d’ici 2025.
Notre Service Client est en conformité à la norme ISO 18295 et répond aux règles de certification NF345.
©2025 DHL Express France. Tous droits réservés.