DHL Express is at your side

to accompany you
this summer 2024

All the latest news for your shipments
during the 2024 Summer Games.

Important: DHL is not an official partner or supporter of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. This page aims to inform you about the news that could impact your deliveries and the solutions that DHL Express puts in place to provide you with a service of excellence during this event.

DHL Express is fully mobilized to ensure your deliveries during the 2024 Olympic Games (from July 26 to August 11) and Paralympic Games (from August 28 to September 8). This world-class sporting event, which will contribute to the influence of France, requires impeccable organization to continue to deliver operational excellence.

This page dedicated to this global event will allow you to learn about the latest information that will have a direct impact on your deliveries, the exceptional devices put in place by DHL in order to continue to offer you an excellent service…

Please note

We invite you to stay connected in order to take note of the latest information, as our measures/information will be subject to change depending on the news.

Together, let’s get ready!

Understanding everything about the perimeters
of secure sites

During these events many roads will be in restricted access areas. In order to have visibility on these areas you can click on the interactive map below.

How does the map work?

To find out which areas will be open, limited or closed to traffic at any given time. We invite you to select the “Routes” button and enter the address you wish to consult to find out the impact of the roads. Finally, we invite you to enter the desired period.
To understand the system of perimeters and zones that will be applied in Paris, Click here.

Understanding everything about the perimeters of secure sites

There are two main categories of perimeters:
The “Organizer” perimeter and the “STATE” perimeter

The "Organizer" perimeter

These are the security perimeters set up in the immediate vicinity of the Olympic and Paralympic sites (Concorde, Trocadéro, Eiffel Tower, Stade de France etc.). Access to these spaces is strictly regulated: only people and vehicles duly authorised and accredited by the organiser, Paris 2024, or in possession of tickets during the events, will be able to access the sites.

The "STATE" perimeter

These are the perimeters implemented by the Police Prefecture for security reasons. Three types of perimeters have been defined, from the most restrictive to the least restrictive: Grey / red / blue perimeters.

Grey perimeter

(Protection perimeter)

No access for DHL vehicles

These (grey) perimeters are intended to ensure safety at Olympic and Paralympic sites. They are located in the immediate vicinity of the sites, and only spectators with tickets and people accredited by the organiser will be able to access them.

Red perimeter

(Perimeter restricted to motorised traffic)

authorized access for DHL vehicles by special dispensation

These perimeters aim to ensure a high level of security. Pedestrians, cyclists will be able to access it, as will categories of people authorised with their vehicle including our DHL drivers who will have to register upstream to have traffic authorisations.

Important: the red zones will be active 2H30 before the events and 1h after the tests.

Blue perimeter

(Traffic regulation perimeter)

authorized access to DHL vehicles

These perimeters aim to reduce flows around the red perimeters, by diviating upstream transit, passage, crossing traffic, while preserving all flows of residents or related to economic, social, cultural activities.

Access will be authorised to any driver able to justify a need for access, at a point of passage: delivery (including our DHL drivers), troubleshooting, moving, access to home or work.

Important: the blue zones will be active 2H30 before the events and 1h after the events.


Here you’ll find the latest operational information from DHL concerning the Olympic and Paralympic Games, to help you organize your pick-ups and deliveries.

In the spotlight

A series of Paralympic road competitions will take place between September 1 and 7, 2024. These are likely to have an impact on DHL deliveries. […]
For 4 days, 1 000 volunteers will carry the Paralympic flame to some 50 towns and cities in France from 08/25 to 08/28. […]
DHL Express has done its utmost to ensure the best possible delivery service during the Olympic period, and is now preparing for the Paralympic Games. In order to anticipate as much as possible, daily meetings are organized between the various parties involved in the project. […]

Latest traffic information

A series of Paralympic road competitions will take place between September 1 and 7, 2024. These are likely to have an impact on DHL deliveries. […]
For 4 days, 1 000 volunteers will carry the Paralympic flame to some 50 towns and cities in France from 08/25 to 08/28. […]
DHL Express has done its utmost to ensure the best possible delivery service during the Olympic period, and is now preparing for the Paralympic Games. […]

DHL solutions for the Olympic and Paralympiques Games

During the Olympic and Paralympic Games, so as not to impact you with the zone restrictions in place in many Paris areas, DHL is collaborating […]
JOPTIMIZ, a platform developed by the government, provides professionals with 4 tools for their business during the 2024 Summer Games. How will this platform accompany […]
DHL is getting ready for the 2024 Summer Games! In this guide, you can find out more about the different security perimeters that will be […]

Other information about the Olympic and Paralympiques Games

Frequently Asked Questions

Find here the answers to your questions.
We will evolve this section as we go along.
Yes, there will be a security perimeter, but we are awaiting further information from the Préfecture de Police. The ceremony will take place on Place de la Concorde & Avenue des Champs Élysées.
  • Châteauroux centre national de tir
  • Vaires sur marne stade nautique
  • Saint Quentin en Yveline vélodrome national
  • Versailles Chateau de Versailles
    Nanterre Paris La Detense Arena
  • Seine Saint Denis 93 Stade de France / Arena Paris Nord / Le Parc Georges Valbon de La Courneuve / Clichy sous bois
  • Paris Arena Porte de La Chapelle / Arena Bercy / Arena Paris Sud / Stade Roland Garros / Stade Tour Eiffel, Champ de Mars, Invalides, Grand Palais, Pont Alexandre III
B2B (business-to-business) deliveries have priority in blue and red perimeters. Deliveries to private customers can be made wherever possible. DHL prefers deliveries to private customers to be made by bicycle or by foot.

The road races involve a large security perimeter, which means that certain areas will not be accessible to our drivers during specific time slots. (Find information about the road races here).

Non. Les épreuves sur route se déroulent principalement le week-end et impliquent des larges périmètres de sécurité qui rendent l’accès impossible à nos chauffeurs DHL. De plus, des tours de familiarisation sont prévus les jours précédant ces épreuves.

Yes, the blue perimeter implies a strict security check, but not a delivery ban. Security checks and congestion in these perimeters may result in additional delivery delays.

Yes, the red perimeter involves a strict security check on presentation of a pass obtained in advance online. The administrative procedures for requesting these passes are underway with the DHL agencies concerned.

Strict security controls, parking concerns (due to the presence of the media, the COJOP* and the Préfecture de Police) and congestion in these perimeters may result in additional delivery delays.

No. As we are not an official partner, we are not authorized to deliver within these perimeters.
Yes, the arrangements will be exactly the same as during the Olympic Games.
Deliveries on foot using our DHL backpacks will be possible in areas not accessible to vehicles, as will deliveries by bicycle. There are no restrictions on deliveries on foot or by bike within the blue & red security perimeters of the Olympic venues.

75001 – 75002 – 75003 – 75005 – 75006 – 75007 – 75008 – 75009 – 75011 – 75012 – 75015 – 75016 – 75017 – 75018 – 75019 – 75116 – 77360 – 92000 – 92100 – 92700 – 92800 – 93200 – 93210 – 93300 – 93350 – 93420 – 93450 – 36000 – 36130 – 78000 – 78180 – 78280 – 78990

Depending on traffic, congestion, security checks and the lanes reserved for the Olympic Games (not accessible to DHL vehicles), we estimate a 2-hour impact on import and export.

Do you have a specific need or question about your deliveries during the 2024 Games?
Write to DHL Express Customer Service.

Are you an account customer with a sales question?
Contact your DHL commercial account manager directly.

You have a customs clearance issue during the Olympic Games from 07/22 to 08/09?

* COJOP: Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games
**SILT: Anti-terrorism protection perimeter

If you want to understand everything about the perimeter system, go here.


Give your availability for your deliveries and pick-ups from July 26 to September 8, 2024

In order to prepare for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, we invite you to fill in the questionnaire below to find out about your availability, which will enable us to show agility and anticipation.

Donnez vos disponibilités
pour vos livraisons et enlèvement

Afin de nous préparer pour les Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques  nous vous invitons à remplir le questionnaire ci-dessous pour connaitre vos disponibilités, ce qui nous permettra de faire preuve d’agilité et d’anticipation.

Give your availability
for your deliveries and collection

In order to prepare for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, we invite you to complete the questionnaire below to know your availability, which will allow us to show agility and anticipation.
DHL Jeux Olympiques Paris 2024

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